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4:37 a.m. - 2011-09-18
Diss appointment
I let down my father today. And not for the first time lately. I told him that I'd be up "early" (for me) and we could go downtown to an art fair and then I would be able to help him finish building the playhouse in the backyard in time for the kids to be by that night. Weeeeell, I wound up staying up 'til 6:00 AM the night before and setting my alarm for 1:00 PM that afternoon. But I guess that was just so much hopeful thinking because when my alarm bleated, I turned it off and went back to sleep. By the time I did make it outta bed (3:00!) they had to take off to get my niece and nephew. FUCK!!!

I'm trying to get better, but I've only got classes two days a week (for now) and so far very little homework, so there are still four days of the week that I am susceptible to the abyss. Which I give into far too easily. And I hate it. But I am getting better. I'm exercising again. I'm reading and not napping during the day. I'm moving and productive and it's been a fuck of a long time since I could honestly say that.

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