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2:21 a.m. - 2011-09-12
The Shadow of the Moon
When I left the house this evening to get a notebook for the start of College courses in the morning, the moon was full and shining down like a cloudy midday. Years ago, I heard the former Cat Stevens tell a story about the writing of his great song "Moon Shadow". It turns out he was born and raised a rather sickly child in North London. Due to the omnipresent city lights it wasn't until he was a 20 year old traveling alone in the French countryside that he realized that the moon could actually cast a shadow provided it's full enough and you're far enough away from any light pollution.

I thought of this again as I strode back home with my purchases, trailing a darker version of myself slowly behind me.

I have a rather overdeveloped "dark side" of my own. I'm drawn to dark things and it just seems to be my default setting to look for the worst in a given situation. But I'm 41 now, for crissakes, isn't it time for me to get over it and dance in the moonlight? Oh, God no! I haven't and will'nt be doing that any time soon, hopefully out of concern for anybody who could accidentally witness such a sight and the continued dryness of their pants. For, surely they would wet themselves with laughter seeing me lumbering around in the moonlight. No, I'm no dancer, but I think it's more about being willing to do things (anythings) differently than I have been doing them if I'm to have any success in the second half of my life.

Baby steps.

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