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4:07 a.m. - 2011-10-14
Journal Entry #3

If I had to pinpoint one thing that excites me about my career choice it would probably be: indecision. Let me explain. In the past I have allowed myself to be a victim of what the author Douglas Coupland termed �option paralysis�. The idea is that with too many choices to make a person will, rather paradoxically, feel trapped. It�s only when they limit themselves to a few more likely outcomes that they feel free to accomplish things.
Through the Discover program I have narrowed down my options to two: medical sonographer and TV / Radio Writer. If I�m being safe and practical, I would choose the medical imaging track. But, if I had my druthers (and was honest with myself about it) I would have to admit that I�ve always secretly wanted to be a screenwriter. Heck, except for the lateness of the instigation of my plan, why not finish one and start working on the other?
Now that I�ve finally started school, it feels not only possible, but likely that I will be a successful career professional. This is a huge shift in my self-confidence and something that I would have thought impossible a few short weeks ago.

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