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3:09 a.m. - 2011-01-01
Infiltration or It's Alright (Plas)Ma, I'm Only Bleeding
So, this is how it starts. The beginning of the end of another failure. And for some reason I couldn't feel more hopeful. As I was soberly driving home through this unseasonably balmy New Year's Eve rain with a bellyful of good Mexican food and an aching mouse in the crook of my left arm from a botched blood donation earlier in the day, I just couldn't make myself feel bad. It was a rather surreal end to a particularly strange week. A week marked by a friend's wedding, my housemates moving out and canceling the cable without telling me even though they assured me that they wouldn't and the loss of my last Great Aunt, Dolly.

I'm not naive, I know I've still got a few tough days ahead of me in a couple of weeks, but I feel confident that, for the first time perhaps, I have the strength to not get mired in a depression when major life changes come my way. Now how refreshing is that?

Off to see if that five year old Viagra still works.

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