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1:16 a.m. - 2011-03-06
Well, shit aka Out of Sight, Outta my Mind
Why didn't I see this coming? Or did I? When I im'd you on facebook late on a Saturday night I didn't expect you to be at "the house of the person that (you're) seeing", especially since I didn't know you were seeing anybody. I guess that talk(?) of us going out was just that. Idle electronic chatter. Well, I don't do that. When I say I'm going to do something, I do it. Call me old-fashioned. Call me square. Just call me at all...

I'm a longer (luster?) in case you didn't know. But even I have my limits. Don't I? No, I guess I really don't. Kick me and I'll keep coming back for more. Ignore me and I'll never leave (in my mind at least). Shit, this sucks. And things had almost been going better for a while there. Or, maybe they weren't. I truly can't tell anymore.

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