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12:46 a.m. - 2011-04-01
You took the words right out of my inbox
"This is why I would have preferred to have a conversation. I have considered our interactions to be friendly and the possibility of getting together the same. I ended one serious relationship, and entered another. That has solidified over time, to the point that we (Tony and I) are 'very' serious (have fun with the word play on that). I am sorry about St. Patty's Day and that you were not fully aware of my relationship status. You had told me you were moving, and I had zero awareness that you might pop in. I would have been clear about my situation had I known. I consider farmville and any interactions on FB innocuous. However, if it becomes problematic and is confusing, I would prefer not to complicate our respective situations further by having it be an option.
Sorry for the confusion and any expectations/assumptions that arose as a result."

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