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3:02 a.m. - 2009-09-28
Random thoughts while waiting for the show to start
This place must have an endless supply of pig tailed waitresses in tight tank tops and hip sneakers (unless it's the same one...).

I think I'm the only guy in here with a full head of his own hair in anywhere near it's original shade.

There's the obligatory few fellas in straw fedoras and wire rimmed glasses, too.

This is a lot of lonely folks waiting in one place for a shared experience of sad, insular tunes. A common isolation?!

Too loud to talk on the phone, too mature (stuffy) to text.

Is the hall half-full or half-empty? Anyway, it's half-something.

Too dark to even try to read the Gene Wilder book I brought as social subterfuge.

I love the lack of smoke in this place. Non-smoking is the new hedonism!!!

So this is where all the watch wearers congregate.

This must be at least my 20th time seeing MC in 26 years!

Does anybody keep setlists anymore? Besides Bruuuuuce fans?

I'd feel terrible about missing the season premiere of Dexter, if I hadn't already downloaded and watched it 6 weeks ago.

Is that the rarest of all creatures, a single girl, at an MC show?!

It is waaaay past time to cut that ponytail, sir!

Who brought the black person? Cool for them.

The desperation is palpable. It's small and firm with intact margins,0)

And there she goes (again?). Never to return. You blew it, buddy. And not for the last time.

There's Mr. and Mrs. C!!!

I can't believe I'm watching somebody watch a video text of somebody else petting a cat.

No (visible) tats yet.

I swear next time, I'll talk to her.

Where have you gone Jeffery Zaslow?

To think, I could be watching a lavish special about the National Parks system instead of this.

Leopard print shirts really did need to die an ignoble death. And yes (since you didn't ask) it's too soon to bring them back.

Is it sad that when I look a girl up and down anymore, it's at least partially to see what shoes she's wearing?

Even though it isn't hell, I'd love an ice water. Thank you. Here's 1/18th of my earthly worth in return.

Hey, Robert's here! He looks just like his dad did when the first record came out.

God, I love chewing ice and gum at the same time.

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