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4:03 a.m. - 2013-07-18
Movie 43
Yeah, I didn't see it either, but I'm kinda working on a theme here, so...

Another year older and, well not much else. I'm still plodding through school at the glacially brisk pace of a four year associate's degree. Better than nothing, right?

I'm just back from an early Glennie and ever so slowly healing from a monumentally poor application of sunscreen on the annual tubing trip. Also 98% deet seems like the bare minimum if I'm venturing into the woods for a week's sleeping. Bah!

Also progressing (again, sloooooowly) on the whole emotions thing in therapy, but hopeful that I may begin to consider that there is the vague possibility that I will accept the potential existence of them in the very near future. Sorry, that's as committal as I'm willing to be right now.0)

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