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5:40 a.m. - 2013-06-25
Hello Ambien, my old friend...
I've come to write through you again. Or more accurately "on" you again. I've just taken two pills for the first time in a really long time and feel very little like sleeping anytime soon. Welcome back, insomnia, it's been far too long since I last made your acquaintance. How've you been? The wife and kids? Splendid.

Things around these parts have been quiet and still with brief 15 week periods of intense studying. No, not intense really, more like 10% effort and a few frazzled days at finals to ensure I keep my 4 point. Which I always do. That's a really neat development, too. I'm a straight A student for the first time in my life and I love it.

I'm on my fourth semester of making the Dean's List and I won a thousand dollar scholarship for next year's classes. Six more courses to take and I can apply for secondary admission into the General Sonography program. Then we'll have to see where that takes me. Hopefully somewhere very distant from where I've been living and back into the workforce.

Ah well... very nearly time for slumber/unconsciousness to take me away from the world for 9-10 hours.

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