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2:00 a.m. - 2013-11-03
Fall Back Position
Apologies dear diary for my recent lack of attention. I have been superbly busy these last few months with school and such, but I will endeavor to be more regular with my reports in the future.

Algebra and Biology have been taking turns kicking my mind's ass(?), but mostly in a good way. I think I'm more than up to the task with Bio (though if I'm honest, I could have done without dissecting the cat), but we'll have to wait and see with Algebra. It's a tough enough subject for me, but when you add in (pun intended) a Tea Party professor well past his sell-by date, well...

I've completely changed the things I eat and stuck with it for two whole months now. I feel much better and I'm sleeping great as well. Now to start regular exercise.0)

I applied for my first ever passport and received it in an amazing 10 calendar days! (Fuck you, USPS critics) It really couldn't have been a smoother experience. Fingers crossed that I'll be able to use it in another eight months. More on that as it develops.

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