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4:50 a.m. - 2009-09-09
Abra ka dabra ka deedra slatter-in!
I'm currently reading the book "About Those Roses Or How Not To Do A Play And Succeed" by Frank D. Gilroy which also contains the text of his great Broadway play "The Subject Was Roses". It's a two year plus diary of his efforts to get the play produced on Broadway on his own terms. I've had an affinity for the play ever since seeing the movie adaptation on the late show one Sunday evening/Monday morning when I should have been sleeping in preparation for High School the next day. I've seen it a few times in the intervening years on TCM and intend to track down the VHS version (it's still not on DVD yet!) and have a buddy dub it over to disc for me, but in the meantime I'm sat here again, 20 years later (still unable to sleep) with two different sleeping pills in my system and able to proudly say aloud: "Abra ka dabra ka deedra slatter-in!"

If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about.0)

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