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3:39 a.m. - 2013-03-20
Ten Years After*
And I've made it to another decade Well, most of me did that is. Due to continued neglect, an overzealous dentist's drill and a lack of 2,500 bucks for a root canal and crown, I am currently minus a #15 molar. Could be worse, I suppose. So far no pain, no infection and only minor swelling. The best thing about being morbidly obese is that nobody notices when your face swells.0) Two days of a cold, soft diet and I'm raring to go. The hardest part was abstaining from carbonated drinks. I've missed my Mountain Dew something fierce.

But seriously, folks, I'm glad I failed back then and am looking forward to the second half of my life with something approaching hope. Stay tuned...

*All apologies to the recently departed Alvin Lee, RIP.

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