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11:13 p.m. - 2008-08-09
Thanks, Nancy
The other day I went to the drive-thru of my credit union to make a deposit. The cute girl working the window was someone I've known for at least ten years, but never really talked to. Mostly because I was married (which hasn't been the case for over a year now), but mostly on account (no pun intended) of shyness. It's not just her, I have trouble communicating with anybody servicing me: waitresses, store clerks, prostitutes (just seeing if you're paying attention). I'm not sure how my silence is perceived, but I imagine not favorably. It's really because I'm petrified of saying the "wrong" thing. And even though I know empirically that there is no "wrong" thing, nevertheless, I still am.

As I was waiting my turn at the drive-thru (even though I was there first) I resolved to not resort to my stock reply of "You, too!" regardless of what is said to me (sometimes with hilarious inappropriateness). "Thank her and casually use her name", I told myself over and over. "Don't be nervous, it's no big deal." And you know what? It wasn't. After double checking that I had wanted the deposit in my savings account she told me to have a nice weekend. "Thanks, Nancy. You do the same," I replied. Inwardly applauding my courage I sat there in my car looking at her through the window for what was probably half a minute (but felt like hours) until I realized the transaction was over and there was nothing coming through the pneumatic tube. I had made a deposit, after all. After a quick smile I drove off with a reddening face and instant perspective on my "major" accomplishment. Still and all, I'm pretty proud of myself.

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