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1:35 a.m. - 2009-07-15
I Do
Lyrics by Lisa Loeb

When I�m done with thinking, then I�m done with you.
When I�m done with crying, then I�m done with you.
When I feel so tired, then I�m done with you.
Everybody feels this way sometimes, everybody feels this way
And I do.
You can�t hear it, but I do.
You can�t hear it, but I do.
You�re trying to convince me that what I�ve done�s not right.
I get so frustrated, I stay up every night.
You ask me for an answer, and I�m so tired and I�m up in the air.
Everybody feels this way sometimes, everybody feels this way
And I do.
You can�t hear it, but I do.
You can�t hear it, but I�m feeling this way just because you say
I will be ignored.
I will be denied.
I could be erased.
I could be brushed aside
I will get scared, and I will get shoved down,
But I feel like I do because you push me around.
I�m starting to ignore you, I�ve doubted you so long.
I�m tired of overthinking, I know you don�t belong.
Now I�m asking questions - no one pushes me around.
Everybody feels this way sometimes, everybody feels this way -
And I do.
You can�t hear it, but I do.
You don�t seem angry, but I do.
I do.

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