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11:48 p.m. - 2008-12-24
Christ miss Eve
Here I am sat at home following a rather awkward Christmas Eve revelry.

After spending what seemed like 11 and a half months working on my perfect seasonal outfit (photographic evidence of which gladly provided on my Facebook page) I was all raring to go. Providing that I didn't have to sit down that is. That was right out. Oddly enough, two weeks ago it fit perfectly. Guess I know what my New Year's Resolution will be this year...

Getting a late start, I stopped at my flatmate's sister's house for what I thought would be a short visit. Unfortunately (not really) they were just sitting down (uh-oh!) for dinner when I arrived and not being one to eat and run, I stayed a bit longer than I had intended. This was somewhat levened (no pun or slight intended to my Jewish brethren) by the food being outstanding and the company delightful. Hating to do it, I finally bid adieu and set off to the main event of the evening: my best friend's parent's house. They have been kind enough to take me in since my parents moved two hours away a few years ago. Every Fourth of July and Christmas Eve at least I have a home for the holidays thanks to the Gabalis'. For that I feel truly blessed. Best of all, when I arrived there was still a bunch of Rumaki left. I am amazed at how good even water chestnuts can be when wrapped with bacon and drenched in barbecue sauce. After a few stiff drinks and much banal banter with my surrogate brother the night ended far too quickly (don't they always) and I set off for "home".

At least the cat was glad to see me (Who's a good boy, Harley?). Now there's just "A Christmas Story" and "Raymond Brigg's The Snowman" left to watch. And then off tomorrow to see Mom and Dad and Aunt Jan in Adrian for Christmas "proper".

All things being considered, it "is" a wonderful life.

Happy Christmas everyone!!!

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