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4:54 a.m. - 2012-01-15
My Theatre professor is a clown
No, literally, she worked with the Royal Hanneford Circus for six years as the Boss Clown. I'm not one to make snap judgements about folks and as I've really only had one class so far, the jury is still out on her abilities to teach theatre, but I have yet to meet a truly happy person who made a living being a clown.
I "do" (where are the damned italics when I need them) know that she talked for three non-stop hours of our first class today. I'm not kidding, three hours - no breaks. All about her children, ex-boyfriends, crappy radio jobs she used to have and not being able to make a living in the precise class she is supposed to be teaching us about. Then the capper of telling us that she is going back to our very same Community College for Culinary Arts!!

This is going to be a very interesting semester. From a jam packed 45 student Psych class to a 30+ student Interpersonal Communication class and now a theatre class taught by an underemployed emotionally needy circus clown begrudgingly learning how to cater waiter to support her (much older) husband. Should be interesting...

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