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3:06 a.m. - 2009-07-12
No one's watching
Let's not kid ourselves any longer, we are the only ones poring over this junk. Rightly so, too, I would imagine. Not to be presumptuous (but I will), I attribute it to a persnickety sense of intermittent sanity on their parts. Oh, they still come around from time to time naturally, but just for short forays rather than the marathon sessions we both enjoy/endure. I imagine it's out of a sense of curiosity at first and then the reality of my ramblings are made apparent and they scurry of to web parts unknown or, perhaps, even into the real world to do emotional battle with actual folks and careers and such. Who knows? I sure as fuck don't. That should be readily apparent by now! One day I'll find out what this whole diary "experiment" has been about and I'll laugh my ass off! I'm sure of it.0)

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