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1:16 p.m. - 2009-11-15
To Whom It May Concern
Lyrics by John Wesley Harding

To whom it may concern
Whatever your address
I didn't think I'd have the nerve
To write this I confess
To get it off my chest
But now that I have your attention
I must make sure I get it right

To whom it may concern
Dear Madam or Sir
I don't know your name
Or if you'll ever read these words
I know that sounds absurd
I know you don't know who I am
You know that we haven't met

And I hope this is alright with you
I hope this is alright with you
I remain your faithful servant

To whom it may concern
Let me cut to the chase
We're gonna have to meet one time
Before we quit this place
Gone without a trace
And you may have already won
So please fill out this questionnaire
And say a prayer

To whom it may concern
Now we will begin
I'm not gonna post this
I'll just throw it in the wind
And wonder where it lands
But I know that it will reach you somehow
I know that it will be received
I must believe

I hope we'll be alright with you
I hope we'll be alright with you
I remain your faithful servant....

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