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6:09 a.m. - 2009-07-06
I'm not proud of how it happened, but...
I'm totally over you. I'm a little slow on the uptake, so forgive the delay. It could have been when you (justifiably) dumped me. It really should have been a couple years later when you walked right by me without so much as a glance of acknowledgment. Circumstances being what they were, I told myself that I understood. But it hurt nonetheless. It wasn't the long coming realization that there was never really a spark between us (though that's true enough, too) and that it's nobody's fault.

No, what really did it was seeing how you looked on your wedding day. I saw the photos through a little cybersleuthing, and may I humbly say, WOW! A white dress? C'mon, honey, white is not your friend. Not at your size! Perhaps slightly less whoreish makeup would have made a difference? And really, tennis shoes?! Goddamn that's just fucked out at this point!

All I can say is (shallowness fully acknowledged): bullet dodged. Phew!!!

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