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4:03 a.m. - 2009-07-18
The 39 Steps
No, I don't know what it means either. Aside from being an Alfred Hitchcock movie I've never seen. Most importantly today is my 39th birthday! Thanks, thank you, no, really thanks. I cannot be bothered to come up with all of the steps tonight (It's 4 in the morning for chrissakes!) but one good rule of thumb would be to endeavour to celebrate each and every one of the last 365 days of my thirties with gusto! I'm talking radical shit like conversing with a rational adult in person, finding fulfilling employment or (dare I say it?) actually dating a female! Hey all bets are off!

Shit, I just checked and I've already reached my midyear allotment of exclamation points, so I'll need your help, dear reader, in sensing my level of enthusiasm and/or feigning your own in any future entries. Muchas gracias and who knows, it might just be fun,0)

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