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4:50 p.m. - 2009-03-17
Mr. Record Man
By Willie Nelson

Mr. Record Man I'm looking for a song I heard today
There was someone blue singing 'bout someone who went away
Just like me his heart was yearning for a love that used to be
It's a lonely song about a lonely man like me
There was something 'bout a love that didn't treat him right
And he'd wake from troubled sleep and cry her name at night
Mr. Record Man get this record for me, won't you please?
It's a lonely song about a lonely man like me
I was driving down the highway with the radio turned on
And a man that I heard singing sounds so blue and all alone
As I listen to his lonely song I wonder, could it be?
Could there somewhere be another lonely man like me
There was something 'bout a love that didn't treat him right
And he'd wake from troubled sleep and cry her name at night
Mr. Record Man get this record for me, won't you please?
It's a lonely song about a lonely man
like me

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