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3:35 a.m. - 2012-03-26
School daze
I'm in serious danger of losing my 4 point at school because my communications teacher is the least effective communicator I've ever met. She's obviously in way over her head and it's just a shitty little Community College, but still,... I care about my grades!!! That's a shocker in and of itself, but it's true. I could definitely challenge myself more and certainly apply myself harder, but knowing that I've already got the next four months off due to a lack of Pell grants doesn't make me suspect that I'll be pulling any more all nighters in the next month. Besides, if I can somehow survive this semester with a still respectable 3.25 or (please Jesus) a 3.5!! I'm golden and can take my 17 credits and call it a good first school year.

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