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5:08 a.m. - 2010-09-05
Rats, Beast and East
Well now, the Inaugural Royal Oak edition of Arts, Beats and Eats has come and gone (for me at least, though I wouldn't mind seeing Macy
Gray on Monday, perhaps after Allen Toussaint...).

It started with a ride along with my housemates to park relatively closer at his parent's house. A brisk one mile trek later and we were there. "No outside beverages, sir!", I was chastised as I naively tried to bring in an old Evian (bonus points for spotting the near anagram in this sentence) bottle filled with tap water. Since I won't do the tickets for food thing, this meant nothing more to drink for me for the next few hours at least. Luckily it was cool and I was already adequately hydrated. After officiating the great Elephant Ear or Funnel Cake debate between the two of em for awhile (Funnel Cake all the way, btw) it was time to meet some other friends for a few more shows and some good conversation over coneys and fries.

All in all a loverly time was had by most and most especially me, who realized how nice it is to have good people around whom I like and like me back. What a truly novel concept!

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