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3:08 a.m. - 2010-07-11
One More Week
Gosh, I don't know... maybe I'm inured to being a fifth (or seventh!) wheel, but I still had a mildly diverting evening watching "Youth in Revolt" with my housemates and their usual menagerie of addicts tonight. (And not least because I was able to walk by the set when they filmed in my neighborhood a few years back.0) Aside from a rather nasty row over The Runaways (the band, not the film) place in history (a footnote of a footnote, I still contend), I had a pretty pleasant time, all in all. It's just that I'm still so bad at interacting with people I don't know well. I even canceled plans for a friend's going away party the night before because there would be too many strangers there. Can you imagine?! Talk to folks I don't know?! Sober-ish! Heaven forfend that I meet anyone new. Lord knows I can't really count on the few I have.

Sally: (crying) And I'm going to be 40!

Harry: When?

Sally: Someday.

Harry: (incredulously) In eight years!

Sally: (still sobbing) I know, but it's still out there.

Would that it were so!

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