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12:19 a.m. - 2008-01-22
Guitar Acquisition Therapy
I bought a 12 string guitar with a pink irredescent case to try to make me feel better, forgetting for the umpteenth time that I have almost zero musical ability and even less money to be throwing around. When it didn't I realized that it would cost too much to ship them back for the refund and I'd be better off just selling them on craigslist or to the local music shop. Neither of which I have actually attempted. And they are causing me no small amount of discomfort and really just hanging around and generally taking up space.

In the meantime food is still there for me. Or rather it's "out" there for me (I do still have to go pick it up). No, gentle reader, not health food or even semi-nutritious food for that matter. We're talking fast food and nothing but. Every meal of every day. Morgan Spurlock was a fag!

Just now I'm pondering going on a post midnight binge (can anyone say, Fourthmeal?) the only thing keeping me from doing so is a mild ennui and the very real presence of my roommate in the living room. Why can't he just go to bed?!?

Nothing positive to report on any of my other fronts (I "do" have other fronts, you know). Perhaps soon-ish. Perhaps not. I'm a tease like that.0)

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